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Gum Disease Treatment

How to Know If You Have Gum Disease and What to Do About It





Healthier Teeth

and Gums



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Gum Disease Treatment

Leading Dental Practice in Warrnambool

Warrnambool Dental is dedicated to helping you create the smile of your dreams with Gum Disease Treatments.


Be sure that you will receive the best treatment & experience.

Be assured that our Warrnambool team shall provide you with The Right Choices.

We are committed to excellence in dental care & service.

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Dr Nishant Hurria

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Quality is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

gum disease treatment warrnambool

Gum Disease Treatment Warrnambool

Gum disease, or periodontitis, is a term used to describe inflammation of the gums and their accompanying symptoms.

Gum disease begins as an inflammation of the gums but can lead to the severe decay of gums, bone, and teeth during advanced stages.

It is caused by an overgrowth of plaque, which is a film of bacteria that grows on the teeth, gums, and tongue.

Gum disease can be prevented by good oral hygiene, which involves regular brushing, flossing, and removal of plaque.

When there is too much plaque around the gums, it can lead to inflammation of the gums, also known as gingivitis.

Stages of Gum Disease


Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease.

Symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Swollen gums
  • Red or dark-coloured gums
  • Tender or sensitive gums that hurt to touch
  • Gums start bleeding during or after brushing or flossing
  • Bad breath

Gingivitis is a non-destructive and completely reversible condition.

During this stage of gum disease, periodontal treatment and good oral hygiene are essential to reversing the condition.

If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis.

stages of gum disease gingivitis warrnambool
stages of gum disease periodontitis warrnambool


If gingivitis is allowed to persist, it can ultimately lead to a destructive form of gum disease called periodontitis.

When gum disease reaches this stage, it can cause the decay of gum tissue and bone which hold teeth in place.

Periodontitis should be treated quickly and effectively to prevent extensive dental damage.

Periodontal treatment and the practice of proper oral hygiene is usually enough to stop further decay.

If left untreated, bacterial growth inside of the gums and around tooth structure will cause irreversible bone loss around the roots of teeth.

With advanced periodontitis, roots become exposed, and teeth are no longer properly supported by their surrounding structure.

At this stage, teeth become loose, and the patient may require tooth extraction if treatment is no longer possible.

Signs of Gum Disease

Contact your Warrnambool dentist for an examination if you notice these symptoms:

  • Inflamed, swollen, or tender gums
  • Noticeable bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • Receding gum line around teeth, causing teeth to appear longer
  • Exposed gum pockets between teeth and gums
  • Teeth not fitting together properly when biting
  • Tooth movement
  • Discharge or pus around teeth
  • Bad breath that cannot be treated

Treating Gum Disease

If caught in its early stages, gum disease can be treated by removing and preventing plaque build-ups that cause inflammation.

With a simple visit to the dental clinic, your dentist will be able to remove any hardened plaque (tartar) through quick and painless teeth cleaning procedure.

treating gum disease warrnambool

If there is tartar around your teeth, you will not be able to remove it with brushing or flossing alone and will have to see your dentist.

After your gum lines have been cleaned and the tartar removed, you can prevent further build-up through regular and healthy oral hygiene.

When gum disease has progressed to the point of damage, surgery may be required to prevent further decay.

Your dentist will be able to determine the extent of your condition and advise you on the proper course of action in case your gum disease is progressive.

Even during advanced stages, it may not be too late to save the teeth and stop further deterioration.

Regular visits to the dentist are the best way to catch gum disease early and prevent harmful symptoms and tooth loss.

Healthy Gums

Healthy gums are dense and strong. They don’t hurt to the touch, are not swollen, do not bleed, and fit tightly around the teeth.


Gums with gingivitis may look swollen, red, or inflamed. They can hurt, be sensitive to the touch, and bleed noticeably when brushed or flossed.


Receding gum lines become noticeable, with teeth appearing longer or showing roots. Pockets between teeth and gums are formed. Teeth may become loose.

You Matter to Us.

Healthy gums are dense and strong. They don’t hurt to the touch, are not swollen, do not bleed, and fit tightly around the teeth.

Come and visit your Warrnambool dentist today and find out what we can do together to fight gum diseases.

We are here to help you answer these & more questions thoroughly

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Call Warrnambool Dental.

A smile can open doors and change lives.
(03) 5562 4433

Frequently Asked Questions

About Gum Disease Treatments

How common is gum disease?

Very. That’s why it is so important to prevent gum disease before it becomes serious.

Can children develop gum disease?

Gum disease is rarely found in children, and not often found in adolescents. However, children should still learn the importance of keeping their teeth and gums healthy to prevent gum disease in the future.

What can I do at home to prevent gum disease?

Take good care of your teeth and gums. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once each day, and seeing your dentist for routine check-ups twice a year.

What are the early signs of gum disease?

Early symptoms involve inflamed and reddened gums, gum tenderness, gum bleeding while brushing or flossing, and breath halitosis.

Can gum disease be reversed?

In its early stage (gingivitis), gum disease can be reversed with proper periodontal treatment and good oral hygiene. However, advanced stages like periodontitis may require more extensive treatments.

What happens if you don't treat gum disease?

Not-treated gum disease may result in periodontitis, bone and gum tissue loss, loose teeth, and tooth loss.

How is gum disease treated?

Some measures usually taken include scaling and root planning, re-instruction in oral hygiene measures, and, in extreme cases, plaque surgery may be done to stop further deterioration.

Can gum disease cause other health problems?

Yes, periodontal diseases, particularly periodontitis, have been associated with various general health diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory diseases.

How often should I visit my dentist to prevent gum disease?

It is recommended that you visit your Warrnambool dentist at least twice a year. This will help in early disease detection and treatment of healthy gums.


dr nishant hurria warrnambool dentist

Dr Nishant Hurria

Dr Nishant Hurria is an Australian-based health professional and the principal dentist of Warrnambool Dental with a special interest in Crowns & Bridges and Dental Implants.