How Can Your Dentist Improve Your Sleep?
You normally notify your dentist when something seems wrong with your dental health, such as a toothache or bleeding gums. However, it may not occur to you to consult with your dentist about your snoring habit or whether it may be indicative of a more severe sleep condition.
This is because such problems often arise from your oral tissues, and your dentist can provide the most appropriate cure as an expert in such tissues.
Nonetheless, millions of people who snore persistently or have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) have found relief and improved sleep with the assistance of their dentists.
Your Dentist Can Help You Sleep
Apparent indications of the quality of your sleep can be seen in your mouth, neck, and jaw. For instance, worn-down enamel may be a symptom that a person grinds their teeth at night due to stress or anxiety.
Your dentist may suspect you have sleep apnoea based on how your jaw is shaped (also called obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA). Your dentist can significantly assist you in improving your sleep, and this assistance can begin as soon as you “open wide” at your dental appointment.
Most dentists are knowledgeable about sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and OSA.
Dentists can examine you to determine if your interrupted sleep is caused by snoring or sleep apnoea, in addition to looking at the size and placement of your jaw.
A discussion about your recent general well-being should be part of this assessment. Do you experience daytime fatigue? Do you ever experience morning dry mouth or a painful throat? Do you ever have sleep problems?
Your dentist may pick up on subtler, non-physical indicators of sleep disturbed breathing through an open discussion covering topics like these.
To assess indicators like your blood oxygen level, heart rate, and breathing while you sleep, you may need to have a physical examination performed by your doctor or submit to a sleep study, often known as a polysomnography test.
Your dentist will recommend you to a sleep physician for testing if they believe you have a sleep condition. The next time you visit your Warrnambool dentist, you can discuss the next steps in your search for a better night’s sleep if you have been diagnosed with sleep-disordered breathing.
Dentists are uniquely trained to treat and manage sleep apnoea. Dentists can assist you with improving the quality of your sleep by fitting you for a mandibular advancement device.
This oral appliance resembles a sports mouthguard and helps you breathe easier while you sleep.
Dentists are experts in assisting you with non-CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine choices.
Unfortunately, CPAPs are not a comfortable or practical solution for many people. Particularly those who do not have obesity but suffer from sleep apnoea have low compliance rates and adherence rates.
Oral appliances are worn at night to increase ventilation while you sleep. They are discreet, portable, and don’t need a power source, and many patients find them far more pleasant than CPAP.
Dental Care at Warrnambool
The next time you visit your Warrnambool dentist for a check-up, mention it if you suspect you may have sleep-disordered breathing. They’ll set you up for a sounder night’s sleep.
Warrnambool Dental is a full-service dentistry practice that serves the entire Southwest Victoria region, including Hamilton, Camperdown, Portland, Port Fairy, Terang, Timboon, and Cobden.
We represent the finest standard of dental care in Australia while also providing patients with affordable and competent service in a relaxing, family-friendly setting.
Warrnambool Dental welcomes customers of all ages, from young to elderly, and delivers excellent treatment tailored to each dental condition, expectation, and desire.
We are your top choice for dental health care, aesthetic therapies, dental restorations, and preventative care. Every visit to Warrnambool Dental contributes to long-term oral health and keeps you smiling for years.
Call us at (03) 5562 4433 or visit us at 454A Raglan Parade in Warrnambool.